Saturday, November 15, 2008

Join the Impact: Austin, TX


Paige Schilt writing on Bilerico:

An estimated 3,000 Austinites turned out to protest anti-gay ballot measures across the country today. jointheimpactaustin.jpgA grassroots coalition of social networkers, gay bars, activists, journalists, and churches helped spread the word about the rally at City Hall, which featured speakers from Atticus Circle, Soulforce, and Equality Texas, as well as individual Texans sharing personal stories about the impact of discrimination.

The highpoint of the rally lineup was 10-year-old Mason Marriott-Voss, who told the crowd about the day his moms, Sue and Tanya, were married in California. Mason spoke eloquently about how Prop 8 hurts ordinary kids and families, and he reminded us of the diversity of families in America, where only 23% of families fit the so-called "traditional" model.

"According to my math teacher," Mason quipped, "that's a minority."

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