Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Do I Do When I Get to Minute 16: My Big Fat Gay Blog Piece

Even I have my 15 minutes of fame!

This piece was posted on Bilerico Project (my favorite LGBT blog) on Thursday and then was referenced by Andrew Sullivan (as: " Cindy Rizzo attacks Dan Savage," as if that's all I did in the piece).   Well you know what they say--I don't care how they mention my name, as long as they spell it right.  That link from Sullivan brought 3000 people to Bilerico to read my piece.  This is how this blog thing works.

I must admit I've been fretting about this piece every since it went live.  While it's nice to have your own blog that your friends  read and say nice things about, it's a whole other thing to have your views out there in the ether where so many more people go. Oy.  I have spent the weekend growing a thicker skin.  How do you think it looks??

via The Bilerico Project by (Guest Blogger) on 11/6/08

Editors' Note: Guest blogger Cindy Rizzo is a long time Projector. She blogs at Personal=Political=Polemical.

IMG_0014.JPGLosing California has been a major demoralizing event for our community and there's no way to minimize that. Frankly I feel robbed--robbed of the opportunity to bask in the Obama victory, robbed of the opportunity to be excited about the Democratic majority in the US Senate and in my local New York State Senate, and robbed of the belief that there was real momentum building for a widespread progressive renewal in the US.

On Wednesday, the day after Election Day, I felt hung over, exhausted, depressed, angry, marginalized. And I knew that if I wrote anything about the election that day, I might regret it after I'd had a good night's sleep.

Not so with many in our community. Blog pieces and listserv posts were littered with angry invectives about the African American vote in California. These writers actually wondered aloud why they had to be accountable for their own attitudes on race when clearly African Americans were not equally accountable for their views on homosexuality. Ignoring over a century of historical context, they seemed to be saying, "Now, see, here are the real bigots."

Continue reading "Our Choice on Prop 8 and African Americans: Reckless Carping or Productive Change?"...


Cathy K. said...

Do you know something? I already commented at BP my admiration for your post. I am very surprised at Andrew Sullivan's narrow response to it, but as I just went and read through many of the comments made, I see that your intelligent, compassionate, and wonderful post has created a place for a lot of very real, good discussion on a topic of deep lasting importance to our community, our country and our world. So again I say "Brava!" and purr in enormous pride in our friendship.

Linda S. said...

The thick skin is very becoming on you and it covers a soft heart. I enjoyed reading the piece very much. To each, their own. May freedom of speech reign and open discussion in our Democracy continue.