Sunday, December 28, 2008

Has Rick Warren Got a Prayer? Frank Rich Nails It.

Here's the link to the full piece today in the NY Times, but the best quote is this:

"Fighting AIDS is not a get-out-of-homophobia-free card. "

This pretty much sums up my feeling that I would have been impressed 20 years ago had Warren been out there talking sensibly about AIDS. But now? In 2008? Working on AIDS is just sensible and mainstream and it does not deserve a Nobel Prize just for doing what should be expected of a renown faith leader in the US. C'mon people. Let's set our expectations where they belong.


Anonymous said...

Amen! MaB

Cathy K. said...

I need to check around my iGoogle page more often. Short, pithy and correct! Now please post more often? I need your sane and wise take on things to help me muddle through everything going on in the world.