Monday, October 13, 2008

Hillary: "Jobs, Baby, Jobs!"

Reading about Hillary and Bill's travels in support of Obama reminds me of another part of Donna Brazile's brilliant New Yorker Festival remarks where she said, and I paraphrase: "get a plane for Hillary and send her to battleground states. Get another plane for Bill and put all the snacks on it he wants, and send him out too." She also wanted to put Al Gore on a plane and send him to the Northwest. I'm hoping that in addition to Pennsylvania, they send Bill and Hillary to Ohio, Florida and Colorado.

In any case, this refrain of "jobs, baby, jobs" is brilliant. The Clintons at their best!

from Breaking News and Opinion on The *Huffington* Post by The Huffington Post News Editors
PHILADELPHIA — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton offered a Democratic rejoinder to the Republican chant of "drill, baby, drill." Said the one-time presidential candidate: "Jobs, baby, jobs."

Campaigning for her once bitter rival Barack Obama in Pennsylvania, the New York senator told about 1,500 people at an historic farm in suburban Horsham, that her husband's administration produced a balanced budget and a surplus.

"Now, eight short years later, we've had to add a digit to the debt clock," she said, referring to the digital sign in New York City that tracks the national debt.

Clinton is trying to use her popularity in places like northeast Philadelphia and the city's suburbs to help Obama beat Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain in this battleground state. She did well in both areas in Pennsylvania's Democratic primary six months ago, when she beat the Illinois senator by 10 percentage points.

At the Republican National Convention and various GOP rallies, an oft-repeated chant was "drill, baby, drill," a plea for more oil drilling. McCain and GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin back more offshore oil drilling; Palin favors drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Clinton said Democrats have a better answer: "Jobs, baby, jobs."

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