Thursday, October 16, 2008

Need A Plumber? It's all about Joe.

Seems both John McCain and Sarah Palin can't get enough of the "average Joe." In her debate, Palin was all about Joe Sixpack and last night McCain couldn't say enough about Joe the Plumber (whose exchange with Obama was posted here yesterday). Well, Joe the P gets his 15 minutes of fame and maybe a few customers for his new business, and Obama wins another debate. Seems fair enough. As for McCain, it's back to the Senate with his good friend, you guessed it, JOE Lieberman. Below are the numbers from the debate:



Barack Obama and John McCain faced off in the final presidential debate at Hofstra University. Obama and McCain answered questions on the economy, health care, and energy, as well as negative campaigning and personal attacks. I may have more clips up later, but here is the immediate polling from CNN and CBS, which shows gains for Obama.

Of 23 undecideds in FOX's focus group, four people switched their vote following the debate. All four moved toward Obama. Said Frank Luntz: "This is a good night for Barack Obama."

CNN snap poll (above, left):

Obama Favorables: 63 before, 66 after
Obama Unfavorables: 35 before, 33 after

McCain Favorables: 51 before, 49 after
McCain Unfavorables: 45 before, 49 after

FOX Focus Group (see clip, right):

CBS snap poll:

"53% of the uncommitted voters surveyed identified Democratic nominee Barack Obama as the winner of tonight's debate. 22% said Republican rival John McCain won. 24% saw the debate as a draw.

More uncommitted voters trusted Obama than McCain to make the right decisions about health care. Before the debate, 61% of uncommitted voters said that they trust Obama on that; after, 69% said that. For McCain, 27% trusted him to manage health care before the debate; 30% said so afterwards.

63% think Obama will raise their taxes, while 48% think McCain will.

Before the debate, 54% thought Obama shared their values. That percentage rose to 63% after the debate. For McCain, 53% thought he shared their values before the debate, and 56% thought so afterwards.


road.jpg Salon: McCain loses again. "His worst move was ridiculing Obama's support for abortion rights measures that protect 'the health of the mother.' He sneered out the words, "health of the mother," and actually framed them in air quotes. His standing with women was already plummeting; watch it drop more from here."

road.jpg McCain frowns, rolls eyes, and blinks more than 3,000 times.

road.jpg CNN's David Gergen - watching an exercise in anger management: "It then hit the personal animosity of the advertising and then I thought McCain swerved off track...He got overemotional about it. He looked angry. And it was almost an exercise in anger management up there for him to contain himself. And Obama maintained his cool, and I thought that changed the tone of the debate and Obama won the last half hour. I thought Obama really did well on education, abortion and health care."


THE EYE ROLL: At Colombian leaders being targeted for assassination.

EVEN FOX NEWS DISPUTES IT: Obama battles back against tax increase accusations.

AYERS AND ACORN: Obama explains the attacks.



Things you can do from here:


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