Sunday, October 5, 2008

So Here's My Blog

At long last I've decided to start my own blog. I decided it would be a good idea because a) I read a lot of other people's blogs and b) I send posts from many of those blogs to other friends. In fact, I started a group email list specifically to share presidential election blog posts that I find interesting, informative or exciting. So I figured, why use email when I can do this.


Cathy K. said...
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Cathy K. said...

My first attempt was grammatically incorrect. Ahem. So:

General hoorays and cheers! There is no one from whom I'd prefer to get political news and views than you. Hugs and smiles and various other such stuff. (Okay ... thanks, I feel better now!)

Anonymous said...

Good idea, good photo. MomB

Anonymous said...

nice! and good pic of you! Ma