Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Update on The Great Schlep

Turns out, grandma and grandpa were ALREADY voting Obama.  But hey, it must have been nice to get some homemade matzoh ball soup and noodle kugel.  

South Florida

'Great Schlep' organizers happy with turnout to garner votes for Obama among jews

October 15, 2008

A hundred Schleppers converged on South Florida last weekend, only to find their Jewish grandparents already were voting for Barack Obama.

The young urbanites visited their elders as part of "The Great Schlep," a campaign promoted by comedian Sarah Silverman to urge Jewish grandchildren to get their Florida grandparents to vote for the Democrat.

Mik Moore, the Schlep's co-executive director, said organizers were thrilled with the turnout.

Moore, who wore a Great Schlep T-shirt last weekend as he was having brunch at The Bagel Tree west of Boca Raton, said 10 seniors who approached him at the deli were all voting for Obama. Schleppers who organized talks in senior citizen communities also said they had no problem drawing crowds.

Mike Bender, 33, of Los Angeles, who visited his grandparents, Selma, 87, and Kenny Furst, 90, of Tamarac, said 150 people gathered to hear him promote Obama at the Kings Point retirement community. Bender said the Fursts were initially noncommittal about their votes, but have become Obama supporters.

"We've been in ongoing talks since Thanksgiving," Bender said.

Lois K. Solomon

Copyright © 2008, South Florida Sun-Sentinel

1 comment:

Cathy K. said...

Grandma and Grandpa are wise indeed. But it's good for these youngsters to do the right thing and visit anyway! :D