Friday, October 10, 2008

After Connecticut: Is the Glass Half Full?

Bil Browning of the Bilerico Project, one of my favorite blogs out there, opines on today's wonderful Connecticut Supreme Court decision ruling that the state must recognition same-sex marriage.  What I love about Bil's piece is his optimism.  Here's the beginning:

How will Connecticut affect California, Florida and Arizona's amendment battles?
from The Bilerico Project by (Bil Browning)

Today's Connecticut Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage is a major boost to California, Florida and Arizona's battle to defeat "marriage" amendments. Expect to see a push from LGBT and allied advocacy groups touting the decision to push the message that the tide has turned on gay marriage.

Most importantly, Connecticut joined California in their "suspect class" designation for sexual orientation. As more and more courts find that we are a recognized group like African-Americans, Catholics and women, we'll see so-called "marriage protection amendments" fall to the wayside.

Some might argue that today's ruling will spook voters into approving their state's amendment, but today's political climate is vastly different from 2004. As American's clamor for change - an improved standing in the world, a new economy, and a rejection of torture and warmongering - one of the benefits will be increased acceptance of LGBT rights. Voters in California, Florida and Arizona are much more likely to spurn discriminatory governmental intrusions into family life since another state court has found in our favor.

Now, what will Iowa's courts decide? After winning marriage equality in an Iowa trial court, the Iowa Supreme Court decision will hear oral arguments on December 9. I predict another win. What about you?

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