Thursday, October 16, 2008

California Teachers Pony Up

Let's hear it for the teachers and their large gift to protect marriage equality in California. I hear that the entertainment industry is finally getting its act together. Yesterday, another rich guy made another $500,000 challenge grant. All of this dwarfs my mere $250 contribution, but I would urge you to do your part. This is one contest where money is critical to get our ads on the air.


via Joe. My. God. by Joe on 10/16/08
The California Teacher's Union has topped the list of institutional donors to No On 8 with a staggering $1M gift.
California's largest teacher's union has given another $1 million to defeat a Nov. 4 ballot initiative that would ban same-sex marriage in the state. The contribution recorded Tuesday makes the California Teachers Association the largest institutional donor to the No on 8 campaign. CTA also gave $250,000 in August to Equality for All, a coalition of gay advocacy and civil rights groups opposing Proposition 8.

Union spokeswoman Sandra Jackson says CTA's 800-member policy body voted overwhelmingly to oppose the gay marriage ban. Jackson says the issue concerns educators because "teachers teach the importance of equal rights for all." She says CTA leaders made the second contribution this week because the No campaign seems to be struggling
Could this be the first positive fallout from the first graders' field trip?

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